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Siri Anderson
  • That is, if we can seed new instructional practices through the prism of what teachers are currently doing, they are more likely to feel comfortable about experimenting, even though it may be a new direction for them or a new tool.
  • personalizing professional learning had a greater impact on student learning than what was taught in that professional learning.

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Siri Anderson
  • Peer evaluation in an asynchronous or synchronous online environment plays an essen-
    tial role as a formative learning activity, shaping how students engage with the course
    material, how they work together, and the quality of their overall learning experience
  • emphasizing the formative
    over the summative aspects of peer evaluation sup-
    ports the development of the soft skills and behaviors
    students require to become more adaptive, resilient,
    reflective, and collaborative human beings
Siri Anderson

Colleague: An AI Assistant for K-12 teachers

This tool claims to be able to help a teacher write the materials, assess the results, and provide personalized feedback to the learners. Yikes! Worth exploring.

Shared by Siri Anderson, 3 saves total

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