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Mathieu Plourde

What Will California State University Do With Half a Million ChatGPT Licenses?

"Not everyone is buying AI-licences for half a million people at a time, of course. Surprisingly, many universities don’t yet have a strategy for AI implementation, and burying one’s head in the sand is still a preferred approach in some places. Some experiment with small-scale initiatives; others hesitate due to ethical concerns and regulatory uncertainty. Whatever the case may be, CSU’s large-scale adoption forces universities to confront the broader consequences of AI in education. Beyond immediate logistical concerns, there are fundamental questions that institutions can no longer ignore."

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Mathieu Plourde

Faculty Uncertainty About AI in Teaching and Learning

"While many surveys explore faculty and student approaches to AI, most cover the same ground and add little to our understanding. The DEC reports stand out, not just in size and scope with 1,681 faculty responses from 52 institutions across 28 countries, but also in their ability to ask thought-provoking questions that address critical issues."

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Mathieu Plourde

Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity 2025

"In 2025, come and help us Build Academic Integrity Bridges among colleagues and institutions! The Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity is an opportunity to  share our experiences, knowledge, and solutions, and create stronger foundations, supports, and networks for academic integrity. "

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Mathieu Plourde

OpenAI and the CSU system bring AI to 500,000 students & faculty

"The California State University system (CSU) is taking a historic step to expand the use of AI in higher education by providing more than 460,000 students and over 63,000 staff and faculty with access to ChatGPT Edu, a version of ChatGPT customized for educational institutions. It is the largest implementation of ChatGPT by any single organization or company anywhere in the world. With a system-wide rollout across 23 campuses, CSU will become the first AI-powered university system in the United States—and a global leader in AI and education. "

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Mathieu Plourde

NETendances 2024 | Intelligence artificielle générative et données personnelles

"Selon notre enquête NETendances 2024, le tiers (33 %) des internautes du Québec a déjà utilisé un outil d’intelligence artificielle générative tel que ChatGPT, Gemini ou Copilot. Cette proportion grimpe à 58 % chez les 18-34 ans alors qu’elle n’est que de 13 % dans le groupe des 55 ans et plus.

L’enquête intitulée Intelligence artificielle générative et données personnelles révèle aussi que seulement 8 % des personnes ayant déjà utilisé l’intelligence artificielle générative ne l’ont fait qu’une seule fois, alors que 59 % l’utilisent au moins une fois par mois. Ces données suggèrent que l’intelligence artificielle générative, en plus de s’être rapidement déployée au sein de la population, séduit suffisamment pour s’installer dans les habitudes."

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Mathieu Plourde

Data Suggests Growth in Enterprise Adoption of AI is Due to Widespread Deployment by Early Adopters

"New research commissioned by IBM (NYSE: IBM) found that about 42% of enterprise-scale organizations (over 1,000 employees) surveyed have AI actively in use in their businesses. Early adopters are leading the way, with 59% of responding enterprises already working with AI intending to accelerate and increase investment in the technology. Ongoing challenges for AI adoption in enterprises remain, including hiring employees with the right skillsets, data complexity, and ethical concerns continue to inhibit businesses from adopting AI technologies into their operations. "

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Mathieu Plourde

A new look at the economics of AI

"Artificial intelligence research is filled with dramatic forecasts. AI will affect almost 40% of jobs around the world, according to the International Monetary Fund. It will increase global GDP by $7 trillion — or 7% — over 10 years, predicts Goldman Sachs. Or it will grow between $17.1 and $25.6 trillion annually, if you prefer to go with McKinsey’s estimate. And these projections are relatively conservative compared with others."

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Mathieu Plourde

GenAI's Carbon Footprint: A New Challenge For Corporations

"One way to encourage more environmentally responsible use of AI is for companies to take a staged approach. To begin with, there should be a rapid assessment of the green ‘maturity’ of their ongoing AI projects, to identify opportunities for improvement that will ‘green’ them up. This could include influencing AI developers and project leads to encourage the use of eco-friendlier AI design, such as choosing models and training methods that emit less CO2. Establishing eco-overlays over their development paradigms requires clear governance protocols that spell out the eco-sustainability principles, methodologies and benchmarks to which AI development must conform, especially to GenAI technologies. Establishing tangible metrics that can be utilized to serve as markers to track the ecological benefits that AI generates and refining AI operations in the cloud environment to minimize carbon footprints even within the limitations of current technologies are all important steps. But how can we help promote a culture of perpetual learning around developers and focus attention on the environmental cost of training AI systems? Through peer-to-peer networks of training, for inspiring knowledge exchange and best practices. Another way is for organizations to provide certifications—with industry-standard criteria—for energy, carbon and water footprints of AI solutions. This will ensure GenAI can be deployed sustainably throughout industries while encouraging wider adoption of green AI."

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