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Jocelyn Chappell

Carolyn Carter | The May Gray is starting to clear and the sunny, warm weather got me ACTING UP ☀️

DDO Vocation homework to present a creative piece (that doesn't include words) described my vociation.

Vocation: video is about two things:- (1) Carolyn's hearts desire ("the boy I love") and (2) what's she's actually doing now (getting ready for a bike ride). But the thing is she never actually gets there, neither meets the boy, nor goes on a bike ride as far as we can tell. She is totally focussed on the present. And although words are excluded from this DDO homework, and although if the words were allowed in the homework there'd be plenty of allusions well appropriate for homework "my vocation", in fact (despite all that) Carolyn's actions in the present are a pretty good fit to what she professes (the words of the song quite masterfully fit her actions as she learns a certain stillness in the life she describes).

Clearly in addtion with respect to my vocation there is the fact that I love cycling, that was a gift from god within which I learnt some things about being myself.

Also there is reflection from my perspective of some regret, a paraolympic cyclist friend of a friend said I'd have been really good at cycling if I'd started younger, so I have questions could god have wanted me to start the ordination enquiry at an earlier age. Then again, I see on Carolyn's long distance cycling distances they are all a bit slower than mine, so perhaps this is the right time. And that's about it, guarantee my choreography is non-existent compared with the video. I did toy with the idea of making my own, but honestly I have at least 30 additional years and I hope I have learned my strengths and limitations.

PS the words are quite good, thought provoking at least, albeit not part of the homework, but here if you are interested: Whitney Houston -- How will I Know?

PPS on Carolyn's instagram feed the last but one reel is her boyfriend suprising her with a proposal in the middle of a photo shoot in the desert, with her family hidden behind some rocks, so that bit at least is answered from the video.

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