Vahid Masrour

My RSS feeds: (I wonder if a Diigo+Netvibes merging wouldn't be a good thing)

All you need to know about me:

I am interested in Organizational Psychology,Knowledge Management,Online Collaboration.

I use Diigo because i surf a lot.

I tried, and diigo sure beats it. Also, having my bookmarks available on the internet rocks. Plus being able to form groups. Add underlining and marking stuff on the web pages. Consider also a very handy toolbar. And so much more stuff. GottaLuvIt !!!

Member since Oct 25, 2006, follows 82 people, 33 public groups, 10353 public bookmarks (11510 total).

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  • #Rhizo15

    80 members, 248 items

    Sources with rhizomes. Add your sources, links, thoughts and documents (documents with help of GoogleDrive . You are encouraged to feedback, critic, answer and annotate here. Because this is group work. you could invite new members, and if you want become a moderator.

  • 3D Virtual Mindmapping

    34 members, 88 items

    This free Diigo social bookmarking group is a mashup to the Ning social network Avalon Project "3D Virtual Mindmapping", whose objective is to provide a meeting place to discuss about 3D virtual mindmapping.

  • Apprendre 2.0

    272 members, 912 items

    Groupe pour les membres du réseau francophone d'échange de savoirs et de pratiques autour de "Apprendre 2.0" pour partager nos liens

  • Authentic learning

    68 members, 83 items

    Links to learning environments and tasks that use an AUTHENTIC approach.Please add links to your own or others' sites that use elements of authentic learning.

  • change11

    127 members, 439 items

    Group to accompany the MOOC change11

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