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Graham Perrin

kernel: pid ⋯ (pkg-static), jid 0, uid 0, was killed: failed to reclaim memory -

Shared by Graham Perrin, 1 save total

Graham Perrin

GhostBSDCon | GhostBSD

Shared by Graham Perrin, 1 save total

Graham Perrin

I Guess it Had to Happen | Robin's Rants and Raves

Shared by Graham Perrin, 1 save total

  • The meta-analysis breakdown by location in the supplementary file is interesting:
    over 7 European studies the CVD HR for C15 is 0.81 (0.69, 0.94)
    over 10 USA studies it's 0.95 (0.84, 1.08)

    In other words, dairy fat is healthiest where it's least processed, where its intake is least dependent on sugar and seed oil adulteration. In countries with at least some tradition of eating real cheeses, real yoghurts, real milk and butter, real creams, with zero other additives.
Graham Perrin
  • poudriere jail -c -v 15 -j main -m pkgbase=base_latest -U
  • So in populations with TG/HDL ratio under about 1.7, LDL stops being associated with IHD.
Graham Perrin

Why does Outlook map Ctrl+F to Forward instead of Find, like all right-thinking programs? - The Old New Thing

Shared by Graham Perrin, 2 saves total

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