37 items | 103 visits
Resources for Music in Education.
Updated on Jul 24, 15
Created on Aug 31, 08
Category: Schools & Education
"Music Quizzes, Games, Practice Pianos and Help Pages by Ms. Garrett
Scroll down the page to play over 130 elementary quizzes, puzzles and games about music. Music Information and Theory pages below will help you learn the names of music notes, rhythms, terms and the names of famous musicians and composers. I have posted a list of the programs that I used to create the quizzes at the bottom of this page."
"In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls, and developed with contributions from users.
The videos can be played simultaneously -- the soundtracks will work together, and the mix can be adjusted with the individual volume sliders."
"Elementary music games should be both fun and educational. After all, most students learn best when they are having fun at the same time. The sites that follow are as entertaining as they are educational so you can be sure that they will bring the fun factor to your elementary music lessons."
The Technology Institute for Music Educators (TI:ME) is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Pennsylvania whose mission is to assist music educators in applying technology to improve teaching and learning in music. Please browse the site and take advantage of the many resources offered here!
You type in the words, the website sings them to you based on other song lyrics. Very cool!
"The Songwriting Tools wiki is an idea base for songwriters, teachers, and creative musicians. This little piece of the web is being developed because many music students have an interest in writing songs, but the time demands on music instructors in schools are simply overwhelming! Novice songwriters will find help here, and overburdened teachers will now have a resource for their creative students!"
Voisse has three core features at its heart - Record, keep and share.
1. Record
Voisse allows users to record any audio (or sound) they choose in whatever way they want - on-line using any modern browser, phone by calling a dedicated number or uploading existing recordings.
In doing so anyone, from the youngest child to the oldest adult can create recordings (Voisses).
2. Keep
The heart of Voisse is a personal store for all your Voisses, called My Voisses. This area is private by default and provides users with a simple method of cataloguing and tagging their Voisses. These Voisses can then easily be grouped together to create fantastic slideshows each with their personal narrations, giving relevance and context and a rich user experience.
Slideshows can be viewed on-line through a custom built viewer or downloaded to an iPod device so that they can always be with you and viewed whenever you want. The portable slideshow is in technical terms a podcast. No-one else gives the you the ability to easily create their very own podcasts.
There's desktop software that does similar things to Voisse, but it's infinitely more complex and require considerable technical ability.
3. Share
A core reason people choose to record audio is to share. Voisse gives you this ability, if you choose, via email or social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
Many people have things to say, experience and wisdom to pass on, things which others value. For those who have popular or unique recordings or slideshows, we have created a Marketplace where they can be bought and sold.
The Voisse Marketplace offers you a unique area to create and sell your audio content.
Create your own music, online!
BeatPick is a specialized online music licensing agent that provides pre-cleared music for both commercial and non commercial multimedia projects.
Approximately 250 independent artists have joined the service, from over 40 different countries. Commercial music licenses have been arranged for hundreds of small to mid-sized clients. Music licenses were issued for major brands such as 20th Century Fox, Ralph Lauren, Toyota, Dodge, Scott Wintersport, The Travel Channel, Chevrolet.
The company is also proud to have helped students, developing professionals and open source projects in finding free quality music to use for their non commercial projects.
"Welcome to Ricci Adams' Musictheory.net. To begin your journey into the realm of music, please select a lesson, trainer, or utility from the lists "
Interactive Music Lessons
A boatload of free-to-use audio and music.
American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. It is a digital record of American history and creativity. These materials, from the collections of the Library of Congress and other institutions, chronicle historical events, people, places, and ideas that continue to shape America, serving the public as a resource for education and lifelong learning.
Use Myna to remix music tracks and audio clips. Apply sound effects and record your own voice or instruments. Registration required, must be 13 or with consent of a guardian to register. Would be good tool for IWB. Your creations cannot be private with a free account.
An online community where 40,000,000+ music fans create and share music playlists
Step up to the stage and have fun with music, art, math, reading, puzzles and an adventure playset. We want you to get our creative brain cells working overtime as you explore and discover the wonderful adventure called toy theater!
You don't need to worry about getting sued by the Recording Industry Assocation of America or arrested by the FBI if you download legal music. Many independent and unsigned musicians offer downloads of their music in hopes of attracting more fans. Here's some music from my friends Oliver Brown and Rick Walker's Loop.pooL as well as my own piano compositions.
Musopen is an online music library of copyright free (public domain) music. We want to give the world access to music without the legal hassles so common today. There is a great deal of music that has expired copyrights, but almost no recordings of this music is in the public domain. We aim to record or obtain recordings that have no copyrights so that our visitors may listen, re-use, or in any way enjoy music. Put simply, our mission is to set music free.
Indaba Music is a place for musicians to find one another, create and remix music, and showcase their work. Record with our online session console, find musicians around the world, and blog about your new creations.
37 items | 103 visits
Resources for Music in Education.
Updated on Jul 24, 15
Created on Aug 31, 08
Category: Schools & Education