![Dianne Krause](https://resources.diigo.com/images/avatar/user/diannekrause_48.jpg)
121 items | 251 visits
Resources for SMART Boards and all Interactive White Boards.
Updated on Jul 24, 15
Created on Aug 30, 08
Category: Schools & Education
How to open a SMART Notebook File, directly from SMART Exchange on an Apple iPad...
Great instructional videos for features of the SMART Notebook software.
A great collection of tutorial videos for SMART Board and SMART Notebook
A nice collection of video tutorials for using the SMART Board
"I have created this wiki as a resource for those who are short on time, full of motivation, and loving their Smart Boards. My visions for this wiki are:
1. Provide Notebook presentations that are ready to go and require no extra work for you.
2. Provide Notebook presentations that you can edit and revamp to fit your needs.
3. Provide links to tutorials, websites, and other resources to make using your Smart Board easy.
4. Provide a place where YOU can upload YOUR Notebook presentations, ideas, and favorite resources."
"Welcome to Aven's Corner! Here you will find the web's most unique preschool online games.
All of our educational games are completely free to play online. Our games are geared toward
toddlers, preschoolers, and children with special needs but can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. "
Notebook Lessons, Tips and Tricks, Web Resources, and Tutorials for the SMART Board.
The use of this interactive wireless technology is ideal for stimulating student involvement using both interactive whiteboards and for one computer classrooms.
"Simply installing interactive white boards and saying use them is not the answer. Adequate professional development must be included with the installation. This is the primary reason why so many teachers become frustrated with the technology and are using them ineffectively in classrooms."
"Interactive Websites
PreMade Notebook Activity Downloads
Training and Tutorials
A nice listing of resources for use with the SMARTboard
"I spend a lot of time visiting innovative classrooms in New York City. As I do, there is something that I've noticed in many classes I've visited - there are still some educators that don't seem to know the no nos for teaching with a projector or interactive whiteboard (IWB). Perhaps it's easier to notice when you're sitting as an audience member or an observer which is not often the case for teachers. If you're an innovative educator teaching with a projector or IWB, you too might be engaging in a no no or two"
"Are you new to using an interactive whiteboard (IWB)? Have you used one for ages but want some other ideas? Are you using an IWB regularly but know you could use it better? Then you are invited to join The 2010 Interactive Whiteboard Challenge!
"The use of this interactive wireless technology is ideal for stimulating student involvement using both interactive whiteboards and for one computer classrooms. "
"Home of SMARTBoard Mini-Movies - Flash animations that teachers can download and use on their interactive whiteboards!"
"There’s nothing better than playing with an art program on an interactive whitboard and literally drawing with your finger. It really works like a massive graphics tablet. And there are some excellent, free, online drawing packages. Some are quite simple, and others really mimic real-world art materials."
A great resource for K-5 students with an iconic interface. Browse by subject and click through to some great websites.
A nice list of resources for SMARTboards for all levels and subjects.
SMART board and Notebook tutorials - great for the basics!!
121 items | 251 visits
Resources for SMART Boards and all Interactive White Boards.
Updated on Jul 24, 15
Created on Aug 30, 08
Category: Schools & Education
on Nov 30, 13
on Jul 04, 13